Managing Performance Anxiety/Stage Fright

I have taught this class (in some form) at a number of Atlantian Universities and local events.  I used to include most of this material in my Bardic 102 class, but given the interest in the material and discussion about stage fright during those classes, decided to create a stand alone class.  I have taught the stand alone Performance Anxiety class at Atlantian Summer and Winter Universities, 2016.  This class discusses symptoms of performance anxiety (PA), some tricks for dealing with those symptoms, psychology of PA, and performance venues for working through PA.

Johann von Solothurn

Johann is a bard and Court Musician in the Kingdom of Atlantia.  Johann enjoys sharing his art.  If you would like Johann to assist you in organizing or judging bardic/music competitions, teaching classes, or if you would like him to drop by your camp and perform, just send him a note (email below).  

Johann von Solothurn

Barony of Black Diamond

email/contact Johann here