Come Along

Come Along is a song about home, a bard's journey and sharing the Dream.  It's a song for all my fellow bards who share their art around our circle.  I wrote this song while thinking about Pennsic and my Laurel, Master Efenwealt Wystle.  I've been humbled at the reception this song has received around the bardic circle.  This song is dedicated to Master Efenwealt.  If not for a chance meeting with Master Efenwealt at a bardic circle years ago, I might never have written this song.  And years later, Master Efenwealt almost certainly wouldn't have picked up such a nice apprentice!

Johann performing "Come Along" in the Efenwealt Wystle and Aenor d'Anjou Concert at Pennsic 46

Staff notation for "Come Along," by Johann von Solothurn

Lyrics and guitar chord arrangement for "Come Along," by Johann von Solothurn

Johann von Solothurn

Johann is a bard and Court Musician in the Kingdom of Atlantia.  Johann enjoys sharing his art.  If you would like Johann to assist you in organizing or judging bardic/music competitions, teaching classes, or if you would like him to drop by your camp and perform, just send him a note (email below).  

Johann von Solothurn

Barony of Black Diamond

email/contact Johann here